Under the mission(purpose) of "Co-creating an exciting future through challenges and technology." the MIRAIT ONE Group aims to contribute to the resolution of social issues and the realization of a sustainable society as a future implementation company and promotes ESG management.
In FY 2021, under the ESG Management Promotion Committee, the MIRAIT ONE Group identified materiality as an important social issue to be tackled. In the fifth Mid-term management plan starting from FY 2022, Change5 "Strong foundation for ESG management" is set as one of the five business transformations "5Changes" to realize the MIRAIT ONE Group Vision 2030.
As for efforts related to environment (E), we will actively disclose Group efforts and financial impacts related to carbon neutrality based on the recommendation of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). Also, we committed to the goal of the efforts by applying for SBT certification. Toward the realization of carbon neutrality in 2050, we will reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and strengthen initiatives that contribute to the reduction of the impact of society and customers on the environment through business activities of the Group.
To realize circular society, we established the “Policy on disposal of industrial waste” in July 2022 and the “Green Procurement Guidelines” in November of the same year. We will promote environmental conservation activities with consideration for environmental impact and awareness of continuous use of resources and strive to contribute to environmentally friendly and resilient urban and regional development that are capable of sustainable development is possible, and to the creation of circular society.
As for efforts related to society (S), based on the idea that as a construction company, "employees working in the field" create basic business value, Change1 " People-centric management" is the top of the 5Changes.
One concrete action for this change is the opening of Mirai College in July 2022 as an initiative for providing each employee with learning and connection opportunities to drive business structure reform, and others include active usage of external human resources. For the assurance of health and safety, we set forth the declaration of healthy management and the human rights basic policy also in July 2022 to create a pleasant work environment for each employee where they can exert their best performance.
In December of the same year, we established "MIRAIT ONE Smart Work/Life Declaration" and "Diversity & Inclusion Declaration". We will reorganize the work style that we have built up until now, work to evolve it in light of changes to lifestyles around the world, as well as aim for the active participation of diverse staff. In terms of co-creating of social value through collaboration with partners, which is one of our materialities, we started the MIRAIT ONE Partner Association. We are conducting initiatives together with partners for our growth and social contribution such as the promotion of safety, compliance, and DX and the reform of value chains in workplaces.
As for governance (G), Based on the recognition that thorough safety and compliance is the cornerstone of corporate management, “Charter on Safety and Compliance” was established in July 2022, and various initiatives are being strengthened. We also strengthened corporate governance by becoming a Company with Audit and Supervisory Committee in July 2022.
With these efforts, we will integrate the total MIRAIT ONE Group capabilities to contribute to solve issues faced by society and our customers
MIRAIT ONE Corporation
NAKAYAMA Toshiki, Representative Director President and CEO