- Corporate information
- Integrated management system
Integrated management system
Integrated management system
Policy for occupational health and safety
The MIRAIT ONE Group puts safety above everything else in the execution of company business. The Group ensures the safety and health of the people working in the Group and endeavors to create pleasant work environments.
- Observe applicable laws and regulations as well as other requirements on industrial safety and health.
- Reduce or eliminate risks related to industrial safety arising in business activities without delay through proper risk assessment and danger prediction activities.
- All people working in the MIRAIT ONE Group should engage in the mutual enlightenment of industrial safety and health to promote activities for establishing safety and security.
Quality policy
The MIRAIT ONE Group provides quality products and quality services that respond to customers’ expectation and trust by the efficient implementation of standardized production and servicing activities.
- Respond quickly to applicable laws and regulations as well as customer requirements.
- Under the philosophy of “customer first,” enhance customer satisfaction through the improvement of the quality of products and services as well as construction qualities, and realize efficient practices of production and servicing.
- Reduce quality risks, and maintain and improve QCD. (QCD: Quality, Cost, and Delivery)
Environment policy
As a good corporate citizen, the MIRAIT ONE Group promotes activities for maintaining the global environment and contributes to the creation of prosperous society through everyday business activities.
- Observe laws, regulations, and other requirements for environmental protection to reduce the load on the earth’s environment and to prevent pollution.
- Reduce environmental risks through proper risk assessment, and conduct effective environmental activities.
- All people working in the MIRAIT ONE Group should raise awareness of environmental protection and should be active for the inheritance of the healthy global environment to the next generation.
Information security policies
The MIRAIT ONE Group protects information assets by taking proper measures against security risks, with the recognition of the importance of customer information used in business activities and company internal information.
- Observe security regulations and customer requirements on personal information, customer information, and other important information.
- Assess risks in information security periodically to effectively reduce risks arising from the advancement of information technology.
- All people working in the MIRAIT ONE Group recognize the importance of the information handled and enlighten themselves through education programs.
Status of external certification acquisition
For effective business operations based on the business operation policy and with the recognition that safety, quality, and compliance are the bases of business operations, the MIRAIT ONE Group has built and been operating the Total Management System that combines industrial health and safety management system, quality management system, environment management system, and the information security management system.

Occupational Safety and Health Management System (ISO 45001)
Applicable standards: JIS Q45001:2018 (ISO45001:2018)
Quality Management System (ISO 9001)
Applicable standards: JIS Q9001:2015 (ISO9001:2015)
Details of registered organizations
Environment Management System (ISO 14001)
Applicable standards: JIS Q14001:2015 (ISO14001:2015)
Information Management Security System (ISO/IEC 27001)
Applicable standards: JIS Q27001:2014 (ISO/IEC27001:2013)