ESG Management Promotion Structure
The MIRAIT ONE Group promotes ESG-oriented management with the aim of contributing to the SDGs and enhancing corporate value for sustainable growth.
The ESG Management Promotion Committee, which was established in September 2021, implemented the “identification of material issues (materialities)” and “endorsement of the TCFD” in FY 2021, and acquired “SBT certification” in FY 2022.
The Fifth Medium-term Management Plan that begins in FY 2022 identifies "Strong foundation for ESG management" as one of the five changes stated in the growth strategy to realize MIRAIT ONE Group Vision 2030. They include the “initiatives aimed at the achievement of greenhouse gas reduction targets,” “creation of social value through the MIRAIT ONE Partner Association,” “enhancement of audit system and strengthening of audit functions through three-lines of defense,” and “strengthening of corporate governance through new Group management system.”
The ESG Management Promotion Committee, chaired by the President and CEO, formulates basic policies and strategies on ESG management in general, identifies material issues, and responds to various environmental initiatives.
It was held five times in fiscal year 2022.(four times after the launch of MIRAIT ONE).
Also, starting in July 2022, the “Risk Management Executive Committee,” “Compliance Executive Committee” and “Human Rights/D&I (Diversity and Inclusion) Committee,” chaired by the compliance officer, are administered under the ESG Management Promotion Committee. The Risk Management Executive Committee deliberates and decides on policies and systems for effective and efficient risk management, while the Compliance Executive Committee reports and corrects cases of compliance incidents in the Group and examines measures to raise compliance awareness. The Human Rights/D&I Committee reports on human rights risk situations, and discusses and examines issues to be addressed, D&I promotion and other items.
ESG Management Promotion Structure Chart