Diversity & Inclusion

Continue to be an “attractive company group” with diverse employees working actively.

The MIRAIT ONE Group respects individual personality and seeks to build workplaces where its employees perform to their full potentials, regardless of age, gender, educational background, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.

We have established the Diversity & Inclusion Office, a specialized organization to promote diversity and inclusion, in the General Affairs and Human Resources Division to leverage diverse perspectives and values in corporate management. Our focus is on building a workplace environment and developing management-level personnel to maximize the characteristics and potential of each individual employee.

Diversity & Inclusion, one of the Group’s material issues, is positioned as a key initiative. Our Mission, which defines our approach to individual stakeholders, declares our commitment to “continue to be an attractive corporate group where diverse employees work with passion and vitality.”

In addition, as part of Change 1: “People-centric management” in our Medium-term Management Plan, we are dedicated to developing a pool of diverse human resources including non-Japanese engineers.

To further advance these series of diversity and inclusion initiatives,we had established the "Diversity and Inclusion Declaration" in December 2022, which positively incorporates the opinions and perspectives of our employees.

Diversity & Inclusion Declaration

The MIRAIT ONE Group has set "co-creating an exciting future through challenges and technology" as its purpose (meaning of existence), and is working to realize a society that respects each individual (ONE person) and responds to diverse lifestyles.

Regardless of nationality, creed, work history, age, disability, gender, gender identity and sexual orientation and other factors., we recognize and accept diverse values and work styles, and each and every person can play an active role in our company while valuing their individuality. That is the ideal work-lifestyle of the MIRAIT ONE Group, which advocates human-centered management.

We will move forward with diversity and inclusion with an eye toward realization of a corporate culture that respects individuality and is the strength of the organization.

Toshiki Nakayama, President and CEO
MIRAIT ONE Corporation

Empowering Female Employees

We devise action plans for the purpose of enabling female employees to reach their full potential and pursue their careers in a wide range of arenas. In addition to analyzing issues at each Group company, specific numerical targets are set for the ratio of women in new graduate hires and in managerial positions and to expand occupational fields for women. PDCA cycles are employed to achieve these targets. In addition, we actively promote work-life balance by developing a working environment that enables employees to balance childcare and nursing care responsibilities with professional career.

General Employers Action Plan based on The Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

(Plan period: July 1, 2022 - March 31, 2026)


Introduction of data on the promotion of women's activities


Received “Eruboshi” Two-Star Certification based on the Act on Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement in the Workplace

For details, click here.

Supporting employees to balance childcare and nursing care responsibilities with professional career

We have instituted programs that employees can use during important life events such as childbirth, childcare, and nursing care beyond the standards stipulated by law, so that employees can continue working with a sense of security for a long time. They include the parental leave, which is available until the child reaches three years of age, and shorter working hour arrangement that can be used until the child completes the third year of elementary school.

Support system for balancing career with childcare and nursing care (MIRAIT ONE Corporation)


As of the end of FY 2023, the childcare leave acquisition rate among female employees is 100% with the leave acquisition rate for childcare and other reasons among male employees at over 87.5%. In FY 2024, we have promoted efforts to maintain the childcare leave acquisition rate and raise it even further. Also, we implement support measure to ensure employees on childcare leave can return to work smoothly and play an active role in the company. The measures include providing information on developments in the company during their absence and conducting interviews prior to their return.

General Employers Action Plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children

(Plan period: July 1, 2022 - March 31, 2025)

① Establish an environment that facilitates the use of childcare leave for both men and women
② Create a worker-friendly environment

Introduction of data on support for balancing career and childcare (2023)


Support for Elderly Employees

In response to the declining birthrate and aging population in Japan, we have created an environment where willing senior workers can continue to play active roles. This was done by establishing a reemployment system after retirement to support the active participation of senior human resources who hold qualifications in advanced technologies required for the telecommunications construction industry.

We also hold life plan seminars for employees who have reached a certain age and support them with work designing and financial planning after employment extension.

Status of reemployment after retirement (as of the end of FY 2023)

Number of employees subject to mandatory retirement 166
Number of rehired employees 132
Reemployment rate 80%

*Average of MIRAIT ONE Corporation, TTK Co., Ltd., SOLCOM Co., Ltd., Shikokutsuken Co., Ltd., SEIBU CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD., MIRAIT ONE SYSTEMS Corporation and Kokusai Kogyo Co., Ltd.

LGBTQ Initiatives

We aim to create and promote an accepting and respectful environment where we recognize and accept diverse values and work styles, regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, etc..

Training implementation

Training content and Schedule

  • LGBTQ training for human resources personnel (February 2022)
  • LGBTQ training for executives (July 2023)
  • LGBTQ training for managers (February 2024)
  • Basic knowledge training on LGBTQ and SOGIE for all employees (April to June 2024)

Salary and compensation package for same-sex partners

Allowing same-sex partners to receive various allowances and benefits

  • Salary system : Household allowance, Unaccompanied duty allowance, etc.
  • Benefits : Wedding gift money, condolence money
  • Leave system : Special leave (marriage, bereavement leave), nursing care leave, etc.
    (Effective date : December 1, 2024)

Introduction of the system for Using a nickname due to gender incompatibility

(Effective date : December 1, 2024)

Allyship to LGBTQ

Starting in July 2024, we have been conducting ally activities to understand and support LGBTQ. Employees who declare their allyship are given stickers and handbooks.

  • image Ally sticker attached to employee PC, ID, etc.
  • image LGBTQ handbook distributed in-house

Establishment of an LGBTQ consultation desk

We have set up hotlines both inside and outside the company to receive and discuss concerns or questions about LGBTQ issues, regardless of whether or not a member of the LGBTQ community.

“Bronze” Certification in the PRIDE Index 2024, which Evaluates LGBTQ+ Initiatives

For details, click here.

Promoting the Active Role of Local Personnel in Foreign Countries

The MIRAIT ONE Group currently runs overseas bases in 15 countries and regions (as of March 31, 2024), mainly in Asia-Pacific region where locally hired personnel plays important roles. To make it easier for each employee to work and make the most of his or her individuality, we implement various measures, such as improving technical capabilities through mutual support, including the dispatch of personnel between overseas bases, and exchange meetings at bases.

MIRAIT Philippines Inc. also contributes to the local community to enhances its credibility, such as continuing tree-planting activities in Cebu City, where local employees participate in planting approximately 500 trees.

image Christmas party with children who have disabilities
(MIRAIT Philippines Inc.)

Selected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications as one of the “Top 100 Telework Pioneers” for FY 2021

For details, click here.

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