Safety and Quality Improvement
Safety Management
The MIRAIT ONE Group, which builds the infrastructure of society as its business domain, creates value based on the basic premise of guaranteeing and improving safety, and implements business processes that prioritize safety.

Establishment of Charter on Safety and Compliance
In July 2022, the Group established the “MIRAIT ONE Group: Charter on Safety and Compliance,” which reaffirms its priority on commitment to safety as the cornerstone of corporate management. With all employees of the Group dedicated to ensuring safety and compliance based on this Charter, our goal is to create a corporate group that earns the trust of all stakeholders and contribute to realizing a sustainable society.
For Further Improvement of Safety Awareness
For the elimination of accidents and further improvement of safety awareness, the Group reminds its employees of the importance of everyday reflection on basic manners of operation, prepares safe operation procedure manuals, provides safety training, creates videos of accident cases, and is proceeding with the visualization of safety rules. In addition, the Group works to activate communication with workers, reconfirm safety awareness, and disseminate safety measures, through frequent visits of management executives including the President to workplaces and annual Safety Convention that involves group companies and partner companies.
Safety Convention Held Annually
We hold a Safety Convention annually to reconfirm safety awareness along with sharing knowledge on safety measures. In FY 2021, the first group-wide web conference was held in October in a decentralized format (attended by some 2,000 group employees) by engaging Group companies and subcontractors. The conference included presentations on safety measures by each Group company and lectures by outside instructors on ways to raise safety awareness even further.
Danger Simulation Training
In order to eliminate accidental falls, which account for approximately 40% of fatal accidents in the construction industry, the Group provides a VR-based danger simulation training. The purpose of this training is to remind the students of the importance of basic movements and fall prevention equipment and to raise safety awareness through simulated experience of fall accidents.

Ensuring Safety During Emergencies
To be prepared for large-scale natural disasters, acknowledging the rising importance of our support for the restoration of information and communication infrastructure in the event of a disaster, the Group holds periodic disaster response drills twice a year to learn the principles of actions to be taken in the event of a disaster, safety confirmation methods, methods of gathering disaster-related information. Also, during the period of COVID-19 pandemic, which started in 2020, we learned the effectiveness of the safety confirmation system for flexible workstyles such as homeworking and teleworking.
Promoting the Acquisition of Authorization of Workers for High Elevation Work Safety
We encourage our engineers to obtain the “Authorization of workers for high elevation work safety (Access system)” or “Authorization of workers for high elevation work safety (Network system)” so that they can work safely and reliably in high places.
Number of new candidates for authorization of workers for high elevation work safety

Introduction of Cloud-type Drive Recorders
From 2019, the Group uses cloud-type drive recorders for business vehicles in order to eliminate traffic accidents during trips to work sites or other occasions. As of the end of FY 2022, drive recorders have been installed in about 85% of the Group vehicles (approximately 2,000 vehicles), resulting in 46% reduction of traffic accidents in FY 2022 compared with the previous fiscal year.
Acquisition of ISO 45001 Certification
We operate occupational health and safety management systems in compliance with ISO 45001. As of March 31, 2023, all business locations of MIRAIT ONE are certified. We comply with laws and regulations as well as occupational safety and health requirements, reduce and eliminate occupational safety risks through risk assessment and activities to anticipate danger, and promote safety and security through educational exchanges in accordance with the Policy on Occupational Safety and Health, which explicitly names safety as the highest priority in operations. We continuously improve our performance by identifying all actions that can lead to accidents resulting in injury or death, serious traffic accidents, serious facility accidents and other seriously unsafe incidents as supervision check-points.
Quality Management
The Group considers quality as important a business challenge and source of competence as safety. The “MIRAIT ONE Group: Charter on Safety and Compliance” reaffirms “quality assurance” as a material issue and emphasizes the commitment to “constantly incorporate new technologies and provide high-quality, superior deliverables to meet customer expectations.”
Improving and Maintaining Technical and On-site Capabilities
The Group implements training and a technical certification system to steadily improve and maintain its technical strengths that support service quality.
In recent years, worksite supervisors* who play the important business role as the representatives of work sites are required to have a wide range of skills to deal with the increasing number of construction projects and the diversification and growing complexity of construction projects. As a concrete measure for such a situation, the Group carries out “Worksite Supervisor Training” for newly appointed worksite supervisors and deputy worksite supervisors.
* One of the supervisory positions appointed by the Group to oversee individual works.
The Engineer Training Subcommittee, aimed at developing specialized technicians, offers various training programs for employees of the Group and partner companies. Especially, 1,685 employees have received the mobile skill training to build their skills since the start of training in 2010.
Also, the Group participates in “National Skills Competition” organized by Japan Vocational Ability Development Association every year, and our employees won a Bronze Medal for Excellence in Information Network Cabling at the “60th National Skills Competition” held in November 2022. We will continue to improve our technical capabilities through participation in competitions and other means to offer and maintain safe, reliable and high-quality services.
Our medal-winning employees
ISO 9001-Conformant Quality Management System
The Group builds and operates a quality management system in compliance with ISO 9001, and our Quality Policy comprises: “swift response to legal regulations and customer demands,” “raising customer satisfaction by enhancing the quality of products and services as well as construction (while realizing efficient production and services),” and “maintaining and improving QCD through quality risk reduction.” Specific processes, procedures, and decision criteria are defined in internal rules and regulations for the realization of the policy. Mobile terminals are used in checking and verifying the quality of the respective tasks. Also, the achievement status of targets set by each group company based on the nature of their business (number of facility accidents, number of problems reported after inspection, customer satisfaction evaluation score, etc.) is reviewed for reflection in the subsequent fiscal year and beyond.