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After the business merger in July 2022, the MIRAIT ONE Group reconfirmed that its purpose is “Co-creating an exciting future through challenges and technology.”

The business environment around the MIRAIT ONE Group is drastically changing. With DX and GX promoted by local governments and businesses and the spread of new work styles that adopt remote work and other schemes, there are growing expectations for solutions that combine and integrate di¬erent areas such as ICT solutions and green energy.

We, at the MIRAIT ONE Group, have been contributing to society with the implementation and maintenance of telecommunication infrastructures for over 70 years, since before we became the current MIRAIT ONE Group. We build an essential social infrastructure not only for telecommunication, but also for electricity, tra c, water, and energy and use our sophisticated technology to operate, maintain, and manage them. Furthermore, we have been accumulating our expertise and knowledge on AI- and DX-related technologies over the last few years.

After the business merger in July 2022, the MIRAIT ONE Group reconfirmed that its purpose is “Co-creating an exciting future through challenges and technology.”
While maintaining the steady growth of existing businesses and services, we will accelerate the growth of our business by focusing on future growth fields, which we redefined as the “MIRAI (future) domains,” including entry to urban and regional development, corporate DX and DX, and the green energy business, as well as the expansion of global businesses and software businesses. We will respond to the expectations of our stakeholders as a “future implementation company” that contributes to the creation of the future more than ever, based on our reliable engineering competence that we have cultivated over many years.

The MIRAIT ONE Group will increase the company value by contributing to the continuous development of customers and societies. We appreciate your continued support.

MIRAIT ONE Corporation,
President and Chief Executive Officer