• ESG
  • Health management action

Health management action

Health and Productivity Management lead by the top management

Our group is focusing on promoting health-oriented management, which is one of our material issues, and has placed it as critical element of Change 1 “People-Centered Management” in our medium-term management plan.
In July 2022, we issued the MIRAIT ONE Group’s Health-oriented Management Declaration.
We promote our health-oriented management under the leadership of our president and accelerate it by the organizational structure shown below.

Organizational structure for Health and Productivity Management


Health management support for employees

In addition to regular health checkups for all employees, we also conduct comprehensive health checkups for those who have reached a certain specific age and specific health guidance for employees to support employee’s health management.
We also continue to implement health promotion measures such as creating refreshment opportunities by providing recreational facilities around the country and walking events organized by our health insurance association.(HIA)

Assistance with medical checkups

In addition to subsidies from the HIA, employees also receive subsidies from the company, which are useful for improving their health management.

Regular distribution of “Health News” and “Mimamori Mail”

“Health News” is about Health-related information, etc. whith is published monthly. This is shared and utilized within our group companies.
“Mimamori Mail” is about health information for field workers on their mobile phone, which is designed to read at a glance and for easy understanding.

Mental health

The “stress check program” mandated by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is aimed at primary prevention of mental health problems by making employees aware of their own stress and improving the workplace.
Our group introduced a mental condition follow-up (consultation desk, etc.) since before the program becomes mandatory.
Based on analysis of the stress check results of each group, we conduct mental health trainings into every departments in order to prevent mental illness.

Support for returning to work for employees on sick leave due to mental illness

For employees who are on medical leave or sick leave due to mental illness, we provide comprehensive support from the start of leave to follow-up until the after returning to work, including support from mental health promotion personnel. During leave, we will carry out a “rework program” that utilizes rework facilities. If the employee expresses an intention to return to work, the reinstatement examination committee will decide whether to return to work based on a diagnosis by the physician in charge and in collaboration with the industrial doctor and the company management. After returning to work, we provide employment condition considerations such as enforcing short working hours and limiting overtime work.

[Mirait One style] Health management strategy map

Based on the strategy map shown below, we will implement and verify measures to address issues as we move forward.


Implementation of Covid-19 countermeasures

Promotion of Work-from-home (telework)

While working on work style reform and DX, we recommend Work-from-home and encourage to realize the best mix of remote and real work to our employees.

Main action to promote Work-from-home
  • Implementation of Work-from-home into office by office depending on its conditions, and taking any infection control measure when employees come to office.
  • Promoting the digitization of internal documents and elimination of seals so that business operations are not disrupted even if employees do not come to work.
  • Provide subsidy expenses associated with Work-from-home.
  • Hold meetings and events in a proper format such as online or gathering depending their purpose. In the case of a gathering format, we take thorough infection control measures and use online participation if possible.
  • Introduction of an application for reporting the health status by employees

(Reference information)
Work-from-home rate of Overhead employees*: 43.4% (1 month average, August 2022)
*Essential workers are not included.

Our efforts against the Covid-19 infection

We would like to express our deepest sympathies to everyone affected by the new coronavirus infection and everyone involved.
Our group has always placed top priority on protecting the physical and life safety of our executives, employees, partner companies, and other stakeholders, and have implemented a variety of measures. We will continue to work together with related parties to prevent the spread of infection and ensure the safety of everyone involved, while continuing to operate our business. Thank you for your understanding.

Specific infection control measures

Regarding the outbreak of infected people, we prevent the spread of infection with the local health center and are taking the following measures.

  1. Infected people stay at home
  2. Employees who may come into close contact with the infected person must stay at home (work from home)
  3. Disinfecting the office where the infected person worked

KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organization Certification

In March 2024, MIRAIT ONE Co., Ltd. was recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as a 2024 Certified KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organization (large-scale enterprise category) as a company that practices excellent health and productivity management.
This is our second year receiving this certification. We will continue to work to improve the environment for health and productivity management and promote a virtuous cycle centered on health.


Awarded Three Stars in “the 6th Nikkei Smart Work Management Survey”

For details, click here.

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